Page 26 - Herald December 2023
P. 26
The report of the meeting held 9th October 2023 was received. It was resolved to approve the following recommendations of the working party and the report be adopted.
To contact Beddows Tree Specialists to request
a quote for thinning the five Silver Birch trees located at the rear of the Village Hall, following representation made by Councillor A Clifford, on behalf of residents. Also, to ask their advice on any long term cost and tree growth implications which may occur as a result of this action.
To refer to the HR committee regarding staffing of the grounds maintenance procedures following discussion regarding the various options for storage of cemetery equipment.
To proceed with replacing the existing Buckingham Memorial planter with a new, octagonal oak planter, built up around the Buckingham Memorial Stone, to contain various plantings suited to the planter’s location and meaning. Also, to include, in the 2024/25 budget, an item for the replacement of the planter.
To proceed with the following amendments to
the hanging basket locations:- Remove from Leicester Road/Jubilee Road junction, Remove from bottom of Central Street, Add outside Tesco, Remove from Station Road, outside properties
21 and 35, Add outside Cherry Tree Care Home, Remove from outside the College on Winchester Road, Reduce to single baskets on entrance to Gwendoline Drive and Poplar Avenue
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For the dog compound to be removed from Dale Acre play area.
To contact Blaby District Council to enquire as to whether Dale Acre play area would be eligible for signage indicating that there could be a fine of up to £1000 for owners of dogs not kept on leads.
To improve signage, at entrances and within Dale Acre play area, with more visually attractive signage requesting that dogs be kept on leads.
To begin budgeting longer term for the replacement of two items of play equipment at Dale Acre, the swings and small children’s slide.
To approve the action of the Parish Council Manager in accepting a quote from G Seller to undertake remedial work on a damaged slate memorial stone in St Andrews Churchyard.
For the following planters to be relocated due
to their current location proving unsuitable for
the growth of the plants within: Outside of the Archery Club on Leicester Road, to be relocated to further along Leicester Road, at the wooden gate adjacent to the Redrow Estate. Outside of South Leicestershire Crematorium, to be relocated to Cemetery B, next to the noticeboard.
To accept the quote from Oakberry Trees for the Christmas trees at St Andrew’s Churchyard and the Village Hall.
Additionally, it was resolved to write letters of thanks to all staff involved in making the transformation of The Square a success.
The reports of the meetings held 21st September 2023 and 2nd October 2023 were received. It was resolved to approve the recommendations.
To proceed with advertising the Festive Fronts competition using the recommended poster theme.
To allocate a small amount in the budget for
first place prizes, for both the residential and commercial categories, in the event that we do not succeed in acquiring donations.
Additionally, it was resolved that the risk assessment be shared with all Councillors ahead of the next meeting of the Parish council.
The reports of the meetings held 28th September 2023 and 12th October 2023 were received.
There was further discussion around the issue of local parking, with it being resolved to make enquiries with Blaby District Council regarding enforcement of the parking spaces owned by the Parish Council in the Health Centre car park.
The report of the meeting held 11th October 2023 was received. It was resolved to allocate a sum
of up to £150 from the Chairman’s Allowance towards the staff Christmas meal.
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