Page 20 - Herald December 2024
P. 20

Apologies were received from Cllrs A Clifford, R Bayliss and K McGovern.
REPRESENTATIVES TO COMMITTEES, WORKING PARTIES AND OUTSIDE BODIES The next Parish Liaison meeting had been scheduled for 11th September 2024 at 7.30pm
at Stoney Stanton Village Hall. Cllr P Servadei expressed an interest in attending and would confirm in due course.
Leicestershire County Councillor, L Phillimore, reported that the flooding incident which occurred at the beginning of January 2024 continued to be investigated.
The Parish Council Manager provided an update on local police matters on behalf of
Cllr K McGovern. Online links by which residents can follow Blaby Police and report animals causing nuisance were provided and would be circulated to all Councillors, as well as being promoted via Facebook and the Parish Council’s website.
It was noted that the local PCSO was scheduled to return to work soon and that her responsibilities were currently being covered by two beat officers.
It was reported by a Councillor that two cars had recently been stolen in the village. This would be followed up with local police to enquire as
to whether this is an ongoing issue across the District.
Relevant contact numbers for reporting issues with the local roadworks and traffic lights were provided and would be shared with residents via Facebook and the Parish Council website. Any amendments to the local bus service due to the scheduled works would be investigated and
The youth workers report on activities which
had taken place during July 2024 was received. Additional information regarding the ASB which had been reported on Leysland Park was requested by Councillors and would be fedback once received.
It was noted also that feedback from the meeting which had been scheduled with the CEO of Young Leicestershire would be received at the next meeting of the Parish Council.
The report of the Estates Working Party meeting held 5th August 2024 was received. It was resolved to approve the following recommendations and the report be adopted.
To proceed with placing the order with Online Playgrounds for all works detailed in the 2024/2025 play inspection reports, at a total maximum cost of £3365
To enquire with Blaby District Council whether the remaining £3896.88 s106 funding could be used to replace an item of play equipment on Dale Acre which had been reported as ‘moderate risk’ on the recent play inspection report and was proving extremely difficult and costly to continue repairing
For the re-commemoration ceremony of the Buckingham Memorial Planter to be held ahead of the Remembrance Day service on Sunday 10th November, on either the 7th or 8th November,
at 10.30am, dependent upon the availability of Birkett House Special School
The reports of the Planning Committee meetings held 25th July 2024, 1st August 2024 and 8th August 2024 were received.
It was resolved to approve the recommended response to the following planning application which would be submitted to Blaby District Council’s Planning Department.
. 24/0574/OUT – Blaby Golf Range, Lutterworth Road, Blaby – Outline planning application for the redevelopment of the site for up to 200 residential dwellings including re-siting of existing retail/ leisure/suigeneris uses, demolition of existing buildings and creation of public open space, highways and drainage infrastructure (all matters reserved except for access)
The report of the Emergency Plan Working Group meeting held 17th July 2024 was received. It was resolved to approve the following recommendations and the report be adopted.
To proceed with obtaining additional keys and alarm fobs for those to be assigned the role of keyholder in the event of a local emergency. The individuals identified were four staff members and two councillors
To arrange for an additional phone number to
be installed at the parish council, for residents and relevant authorities to call in the event of an emergency, and for this line to divert to mobile numbers of relevant staff members/councillors for out of hours emergencies
The report of the Net Zero Working Group meeting held 30th July 2024 was received. It was resolved to approve the following recommendations and the report be adopted.
To publish Countesthorpe Parish Council’s action plan on the Net Zero section of the website in order for the public to see progress being made
The report of the VE Day Working Group meeting held 31st July 2024 was received. It was resolved to approve the following recommendations and the report be adopted.
To proceed with holding an event to mark the 80th anniversary of VE Day on Saturday 10th May 2025, in the form of a party/celebration on The Centenary Paddock in the afternoon/early evening
For the event to include musical acts, games, crafts, competitions, quizzes and food vendors. To contact local organisations including Active Arts, Countesthorpe U3A, Rosemary Wright, Countesthorpe Guides, Countesthorpe Girl Scouts, Countesthorpe Women’s Institute and Countesthorpe Mother’s Union to see whether they would like to be involved in the event in any way
To obtain quotes for local groups, food vendors, staging and amplification for performers, toilet facilities and first aid, to be considered at the next meeting of the VE Day Working Group before being recommended to the Finance Working Party for consideration in the 2025/2026 budget
To apply for a Temporary Events Notice with Blaby District Council for the event, to cover amplified music being played
For enquiries to be made with St Andrews Church to see whether they will be marking the 80th anniversary of VE Day on the evening of 8th May 2025 and to consider holding a low-key remembrance/thanksgiving event which would tie in with national guidelines
To purchase the official VE Day anniversary flag, to fly on The Centenary Paddock, in line with national guidance.
For hirers on the evening of 8th May to be cancelled in order for the village hall to be used as back-up location and for any booking enquiries received for both Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th May 2025 to be refused, again for the village hall
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