Page 4 - Herald December 2024
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Even through the Summer break, Scouting didn’t stop in Countesthorpe as our 160+ young people got involved in several great events.
In late July, 60 young people, across all Sections from Squirrels to Young Leaders, had a day out to Drayton Manor! We all braved the big rides, visited the zoo and of course the biggest highlight (for me anyway!) went to Thomasland! The sun shone and everyone had a great time, thanks to the volunteers who gave up their Sunday to make it possible.
Over 150 also attended our Family Fun Day at Meadow Sports Ground in August. Again the weather was kind and we all played sports, made S’mores over an open fire, tried some daft games and had a mass campfire. Thanks to all those who came along and made it a great day.
At our September camp at Fox Covert Campsite however, the rain pounded down! But it didn’t dampen the spirits of 55 Beavers and Squirrels, who had a great time on the climbing wall, (with many managing to make it to the top!), as well as pedal go karts, Nerf guns, games, an indoor campfire and so much more. Well done to all those who stayed over on their first camp (including many of our volunteers!) and tried something new. Elsewhere this term, 8 of our Scouts
were at the time of writing, preparing to compete in the Borderhike hiking competition in the Peak District against teams from across the country, while Cubs have a trip to the Space Centre to look forward to as well as a Sleepover at the hut for our Sixers and Seconders. Squirrels have already visited the campsite for a big water fight, and are set to visit Wigston Fire Station in the coming weeks; while Beavers are looking forward to a visit from the local police and have been working towards their Outdoor Challenge this term.
Panto rehearsals are now also well underway, ready for our 8th Annual Show at Sue Townsend Theatre on 7th December at 2.30 and 6.45, as well as 8th December at 2.30. Our talented young cast are working hard to put on another amazing show and we’re looking forward to welcoming you all! Tickets are £9 each,
a booking fee will apply at checkout. For large group bookings of 10 or more, contact to save booking fees. For large groups of young people, we will give 1 free adult ticket for each 8 young people (Under 18). You don’t want to miss it (Oh no you don’t!) Tickets on sale in early November, check out www.facebook. com/countesthorpescoutgroup
If you would like to get involved in our friendly group and learn Skills for Life as a young person or adult volunteer, please contact jack.barber@ Anyone over 18 who is happy to have a DBS check can be a volunteer, no previous experience is required and you don’t have to attend every week. We are in particular looking for extra support to join our Tuesday Cubs team currently. We would love to welcome you!
Jack Barber
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