Page 5 - Herald December 2024
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Those who were on duty at the church for the Ride and Stride sponsored cycle event were able to do lots of weeding in the chirchyard as well as welcome cyclists on what was a really good day weatherwise for all of these activities!
Ride+Stride is a sponsored event for cyclists, walkers, joggers, runners, horse- riders and mobility scooter drivers. You can also be sponsored as a welcomer on duty in a church. Half of sponsorship money goes to the church or chapel chosen by the participant, with the other half going to the LeicesterShire Historic Churches Trust which organises the event and uses the funds raised for grants to churches and chapels for repair, restoration and improvement projects. You plan your own route using the List of Churches and Chapels that are intending to open on the day. Riders and Striders ask their relations, friends and colleagues to sponsor them - so much for each church or chapel they visit between 10am and 6pm on the day, or a lump sum. This is recorded on your sponsor form and you can take part for as long or short a time, within the day, as is convenient for you. Foston Church welcomes everyone on the second and fourth Sunday mornings of each month at 9.15 for Holy Communion and would like to especially mention our Harvest Festival on Sunday October 13th
Quarter Century Celebration
Possibly the largest organization within Countesthorpe, with currently over 370 members, will be celebrating its twenty- fifth anniversary this November - and that is the u3a.
The surprise is that this organization is little known outside its membership. It is a self-help group is for the enjoyment, well- being and social interaction of anyone who is no longer in full-time employment. Originally conceived as an organization for education it is now a totally social grouping, with over 35 activities within Countesthorpe. These include physical activities such as pickleball, line dancing, country dancing and two walking groups, one for serious walkers of over five miles and one which is essentially a stroll to an interesting coffee shop. Also on offer are regular visits to the theatre and places of interest, foreign language conversation groups, a book group, creative writing, a luncheon club, a discussion group and birdwatching. The opportunity to learn
new things, such as kurling, playing the ukulele or developing artistic skills is all there for you.
Our regular general meeting time for all members is every second Tuesday afternoon of each month in the Village Hall from 1.30 pm, where items of news are given out followed by a guest-speaker on various topics. Two recent subjects were The Life and Times of Marilyn Monroe, and Mary’s Meals describing work done to feed and educate poor children in Africa.
In November (the 12th) it will be the twenty-fifth anniversary of the group’s launch in Countesthorpe and we will be acknowledging the vison and foresight of those founder members, and celebrating with coffee and cake. There will be displays around the Village Hall showing the activities of the various groups, and these will enable members to reminisce about their past enjoyments and show potential new members exactly what happens.
So, if you are no longer working full- time and would like to find out what is available to you, why not come along and see for yourself. In the meantime, or if unable to join us from 2 pm on Tuesday, 12 November, then check out the website countesthorpeu3a. and open new horizons to enrich your life.
Countesthorpe Herald
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Flower Arranging
OPEN MEETING – Tuesday, 12 November from 2 -5 pm in Village Hall.
Come along and see what we have to offer, and help celebrate 25 years of our u3a
Check out our website: