Page 20 - October 2015 Issue 299
P. 20
of the removal of the ‘protrusion’, they have re-designed the angled parking spaces to avoid reversing close to it; they believe the protrusion assists in keeping speeds low. The Parish Council still has concerns regarding the angle of the bays and resolved to ask LCC to test with a vehicle
to ensure that it can be reversed safely. A copy of LCC’s email will be sent to the shopkeepers affected by the alterations. LCC has offered to attend a Parish Council meeting to discuss traffic issues, it was resolved to accept the offer for the September meeting.
POLICE MATTERS, INC MONTHLY REPORT A report from the Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) was read to the meeting.
The Planning Committee recommended to respond to the notification of the planning appeal by reiterating the original observations and to state that Countesthorpe has already exceeded
its housing requirement, which was originally
to be achieved by 2029 as per government requirements. No further development on countryside, as shown on the 2013 approved Core Strategy and supported by the Local Plan, should take place until BDC has completed the Local Plan (Delivery) Development Plan Document, after full consultation with the Parish Council and the public. Any development on brown field sites are acceptable and should be encouraged as per government recommendations.
It was resolved to submit the Planning Committee’s recommendation to the Planning Inspectorate.
Blaby District Council – It was resolved for the Planning Committee to review the draft Housing
Blaby District Council – Leics. Fosse Villages Neighbourhood Area Application Consultation was noted.
Leicestershire & Rutland Association of Local Councils – newsletter circulated.
Leicestershire County Council – any Councillors who wish to attend the 70th Anniversary of VJ Day commemoration were requested to contact the Clerk.
Blaby District Council – any Councillors who wish to attend the Dementia Friends Information Session were requested to contact the Clerk.
A member of the public raised his concerns regarding speeding motorbikes on Church Street and requested the installation of a speed hump. He also queried as to why the priority of a main road was changed to a minor road at the junction.
A second member of public was concerned with the speed of the cars on Church Street, especially due to the proximity of the school; he did not feel that the existing speed hump was deterring them.
These issues will be raised with the LCC officer at the next Parish Council meeting, provided
the officer is able to attend. The PCSO will
be contacted regarding speeding vehicles on Station Road, Leicester Road, Church Street and Gwendoline Drive.
A resident of the Redrow Homes development, on Leicester Road, addressed the meeting regarding no safe exit for children attending Greenfield Primary School from the site, although an unofficial route is being used. The official
exit onto Leicester Road is dangerous, requiring crossing the road twice including at a busy
junction. He stated that the hedge, on the corner of Leicester Road and Ladbroke Grove, needs cutting back: the Clerk confirmed that she had contacted LCC several times regarding this. Cty/Dst Cllr D Jennings informed the meeting that an alternative pedestrian access was not included in the planning permission conditions set by the Planning Inspectorate; only emergency vehicle access, which will not allow pedestrians through. It is understood that Dst Cllr A Clifford is arranging to meet representatives of Redrow Homes: it was resolved to await the outcome of his meeting.
Although it had previously been resolved not to add an additional name to the war memorial, it has been brought to the Parish Council’s attention that this is contra to a resolution by the Parish Council in 2007 to allow the additional name.
It was resolved firstly, to contact a specialist to ascertain whether the additional name could be added without damaging the historic monument and secondly, to invite the respondent to a meeting to show his evidence as to why he feels the name should be included.
REPORTS, COUNTY, DISTRICT COUNCILLORS AND PARISH COUNCILLORS Cty/Dst Cllr D Jennings informed the meeting that the trees cut down along Foston Road were on private land, these trees were not listed and were not removed as part of a road widen scheme or development.
Cemetery matters -The soil at the back of the cemetery has now been cleared and a tree removed, which has opened up the area. It was recommended to install post and rail fencing and a field gate, at a cost of approximately £500. Cemetery lay-out design – it was recommended to go out to tender with the design brief.
Memorial trees – five people have agreed to donate trees and a further two people have expressed an interest. Once the nominated eight trees have been allocated it was recommended
to extend this to include trees further along
the path. It was recommended to hold a site meeting to discuss the existing design layout for the cemetery. It has been suggested that all the hedging is same species.
Chapel – the Chapel window refurbishment
has been ordered and a commencement date is awaited.
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