Page 20 - December 2015 Issue 300
P. 20
TO APPROVE AND SIGN MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 10th SEPTEMBER 2015 Minutes of the meeting held on 10th September 2015 were circulated prior to the meeting. It was resolved to approve the minutes, which were signed by the Chairman as an accurate record.
A letter has been received from Wigston & District Male Voice Choir regarding the violinist who performed at last year’s Chairman’s Evening. They have arranged their Autumn Concert on Saturday 14th November when Hayley Pomfrett, the violinist, will be playing.
The Planning Committee recommended a response to the planning appeal for 33 Willoughby Road as follows:
The Parish Council has responded to the planning application consultation giving substantial
reasons why the application should not take place, which we understand will be forwarded to you. The Secretary of State approved the number of dwellings required in Countesthorpe as part of BDC’s Core Strategy to be achieved by 2029 this has already been exceeded. This development and others are further destroying countryside. The road infrastructure in the village hasn’t altered within living memory even though the population has increased six fold.
It was resolved to submit comments as recommended by the Planning Committee and to also add that although the Parish Council strongly object to the application if our wishes are not
met then the S106 and the refusal conditions are adhered too.
The Finance Working Party recommended approval of the payments.
It was resolved to adopt the following criteria for any requests to add additional names to the War Memorial:
Any name added to the memorial should be a serviceman or woman, who had been killed in action or resulting from that action, with proof supplied.
To have confidence any name added would not materially affect the memorial or the integrity of the current names.
Proof of residence.
A press released, to be used if required, was approved: this will be circulated to members.
A member of public thanked the Parish Council for the dedication service to mark the Queen being the longest reigning monarch, however she voiced her disappointment that the advertised presentation, in the village hall, of life in the village during her reign was not shown. She also asked whether there may be a time when the Parish Council considers building a wall, as an arboretum, to remember those servicemen and women who lose their life in conflicts since the 2nd World War.
The Chairman explained that one of the memorial boards to be hung in the Chapel will include those lost in subsequent conflicts, however this may need to be reconsidered in the future.
An unofficial access from the Leicester Road development onto The Elms is being used by residents to the local schools. The Planning Inspector did not include planning conditions
to provide a pedestrian access onto The Elms. The developer has stated that they are unable
to provide an access onto The Elms as it is a private unadopted drive. It was resolved to write to the developer supporting pedestrian access onto The Elms for a safe school route from the development.
a. Leicester Cathedral – a special service of Choral Evensong to commemorate the centenary of the Battle of the Hohenzollern Redoubt will be held on 13th October.
b. Resident – a resident highlighted his concerns with the excessive speeds along Leicester Road. He enclosed correspondence from LCC detailing proposals to provide traffic signals at the junction with Hospital Lane. He has also asked the police to deploy a mobile speed van, however this has not happened. It was resolved to forward a copy of the resident’s letter to the Director of Environment and Transport at LCC, supporting his concerns. It was noted that the Parish Council has discussed the speed of traffic at previous meetings.
Cty/Dst Cllr D Jennings reported that the works at The Bank have now been completed. LCC has stated that if the new arrangements are not an improvement then they would be agreeable to removing them back to how they were. Cty/Dst Cllr D Jennings will pursue safety signage at the junction with Central Street.
Dst Cllr D Findlay spoke regarding the white boxes which are appearing in the village: these are for Virgin Media. He also advised regarding the
Chancellor’s announcement that local councils will be able to keep all the proceeds from business rates. He advised that the Council Tax Support Grant will be abolished. Dst Cllr D Findlay assured the Parish Council that he would keep them informed of anything which will have an impact on them.
Chairman, Cllr M Gillespie, reported on
the ceremony to unveil the Green Plaque at Countesthorpe Nursery School, The Drive.
a. Cemetery –
i. Cemetery matters – there were no cemetery matters.
ii. Cemetery lay-out design – the design layout for the cemetery extension was discussed and it was noted that there will be less cremation plots than stated on the design due to a revision of the measurements. It was recommended to mark out the design and order the hedge.
iii. Memorial trees – there has been difficulties sourcing some of the chosen tree varieties and therefore a different supplier is being considered. iv. Cemetery (b) - two lay-out design quotations have been received for the adjacent cemetery field and one is awaited.
v. Tree removal – it was recommended to obtain advice regarding an acceptable treatment to reduce the size of the trees.
vi. Markers – this items was deferred.
b. Chapel
i. Brass plaque – it was recommended to speak to Active Arts regarding the duplication of names on the plaque and memorial board.
ii. Memorial board – the boards are currently being made.
c. Grass Maintenance - A letter has been sent
to the current contractors to terminate the grass cutting contract. The contractor has spoken to
the Parish Office regarding the matter and is
fully aware that the contract has been terminated. Alternative arrangements are being investigated for 2016, including hiring or buying equipment or sourcing a different contractor.
d. Map Noticeboard - Difficulties have arisen in sourcing a supplier who is able to obtain up-to- date maps. A supplier has now been found who will undertake artwork to include all the new developments. The working party will continue investigating.
e. Willoughby Road Playing Field
i. Trim Trail – quotations have been received, however they are not comparable, therefore revised quotations will be obtained.
ii. Football Club – a response has not been received from the football club regarding their intentions going forward or payment of the half- yearly rent. A further letter will be sent with a deadline date for a response.
f. S106 projects - It was recommended to explore additional play equipment for Leysland Park, to cater for ages 8 – 9 years, in time for the next meeting. BDC has requested a ‘wish list’ of projects for S106 funding. It was recommended to request a Pavilion, a MUGA, two pieces of equipment for Leysland Park and a bench, two pieces of equipment for Dale Acre, plus fencing and improvements to Willoughby Road Playing Field car park.
g. Correspondence - A resident has sent a
letter thanking the Parish Office for their help
and kindness in identifying the graves of his relatives, he also wanted to record his thanks
and appreciation to all concerned with the administration and upkeep of the cemetery.
h. Maintenance issues - There were no maintenance issues.
i. Matters arising for information purpose - There were no matters arising.
a. Report – The Chairman reported the following: • The PRS and PPL licence are included under the same licence and are based on the financial turnover