Page 22 - December 2015 Issue 300
P. 22
• The grounds staff will help to clear away at the end of the evening
• Strings of Christmas lights will be positioned either side along the length of the path
• Performers are Leysland High School, Greenfield School, Enderby Band, a solo guitar player and a dance troupe
The tree has been ordered from Glebe Garden Centre. The theme is ‘Frozen’
c. Communication - Facebook is being investigated
d. Matters arising for information purposes only – no matters arising
REPOT FROM PLANNING COMMITTEE The Planning Committee Chairman gave her report.
a. Budget update/review - The budget was reviewed and all was in order, however it was recommended to increase the bulk payment limit, with the bank, to £12000 per month.
b. Grant Aid -Three requests for grant aid were discussed:
i. Pride, which is based in Coalville, have requested aid to help support people who are vulnerable or over 60, by installing alarm units: it was recommended not to give grant aid as it is not certain that it will benefit residents of the village. ii. A resident who is hiring the hall and lounge
for a charity event in aid of Street Child United has requested grant aid for the event: it was recommended not to give grant aid, in this instance, as the charity does not directly help residents of the village.
iii. Countesthorpe Cricket Club has requested grant aid towards refurbishing their club house, replacing their artificial nets and purchasing new equipment. It was recommended to give £500 grant aid and suggest they contact the youth council which, it is understood, has funding available. Cllr M Smith took no part in the discussion.
c. Matters arising for information purposes - A recent newsletter from Leicestershire & Rutland Association of Local Councils (LRALC) has given the rulings regarding general reserves held by parish or town councils: the general reserve should be equal to between three to twelve months net revenue expenditure; it is likely the smaller the council the greater the proportion of net revenue expenditure will be carried in the form of general reserves. This was noted. Councillors were
asked to pass any suggestions for future projects/ expenditure to the Parish Office to be considered for inclusion in the budget for the 2016/17.
It was resolved that in view of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted the press and public be temporarily excluded.
d. Staff Matters – It was recommended to back date the two day statutory holiday entitlement to 2011, when the Greenbook Terms and Conditions were adopted, and to pay a monetary value for
the entitlement. This should include ex-members of staff as appropriate: it was recommended to write to the people concerned to ensure they will be happy with the payment. As requested at the Parish Council meeting members of staff have been consulted. It was recommended to add the statutory days to annual leave entitlement.
Due to the financial implications of most staff matters, it was suggested to amend the working parties so that the Finance Working Party becomes the Finance and Human Resources Working Party and the Policy & Human Resources Working Party becomes the Strategic Planning and Policy Working Party. Terms of Reference will be investigated and brought to the next meeting.
It was resolved to approve the recommendations of the working party.
• It has been resolved to cover small non- commercial hirers, who do not have their own Public Liability Insurance, under the Parish Councils insurance.
• The staff parking has been investigated and
it has been resolved to purchase four lockable bollards, plus one spare, to prevent people parking in the reserved spaces.
• Three quotations have been received to re- surface the remaining part of the car park and it has been resolved to proceed. It is intended to mark the parking bays.
• It has been resolved to allow the U3A to place
a tall cupboard in the hall store. The heavy rectangular tables are being replaced with lighter tables.
b. To approve accounts for payments as verified by the Finance Working Party – There were no payments.
a. Update - The Parish Council Manager has re-submitted the CILCA General Power of Competence module as the criteria has changed. The surrender of lease and draft agreement have been forward to the solicitors for their comments. b. Review drawings - Alternative drawings, suggested by a Councillor, were discussed and a further meeting has been held with the architect. The revised drawings were circulated and it was resolved to obtain costing for the proposals.
c. Review relevant policies - This item was deferred.
d. To discuss the way forward - A grant is available from LCC towards computers to enable the Parish Council to install their own system. LCC will provide and administer their IT system for 5 years if required. It was recommended to obtain further information regarding the grant, whether the library software can be downloaded onto the Parish Council’s IT system and to
obtain a quotation to replace the public access computers. It was suggested to have an official opening when all the building work has been completed, although a small event could be held at the point of take over. It was recommended to calculate the running cost implications, including for the building alterations and publicise these
to residents. It was recommended to obtain the rateable value of the whole building. It was recommended that the volunteers complete Disclosure & Baring Service forms in readiness of their volunteering roles.
e. Matters arising for information purposes - There were no matters arising.
a. Commemoration of the Queen being the longest reigning monarch - Rev. Hebblewhite gave a short dedication service at the unveiling ceremony for the commemorative bench.
b. Christmas Spectacular – it was recommended:
• Countesthorpe Food Bank will organise a charity collection
• The Church bell ringers will play between 6 – 6.30pm
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