Page 8 - June 2016 Issue 303
P. 8

JUNE 2016
This is of course the Maypole Dancing season and the Active Arts one has been near and far, to Blaby Stokes School where a group have learned dances in lunchtimes to perform to celebrate the anniversary day in May, to Oakham Castle to join in celebrations marking the reopening of the building following extensive renovation and Bradgate Park for the Summer Fair on the weekend of June 4th and 5th.
Active Arts members are pleased and proud to report that we have found suitable homes, through other community groups mainly, for the 64 books allocated to us by World Book Night and nearly as many again which had been donated locally.
As you can see from the photograph, we mannedacraftstallattheEggstravaganza event in Bouskell Park, and then there are the beautiful hangings produced for St Andrew’s Church by the Leysland High School Art Group. This work was much appreciated as the comment from Rev David Hebblewhite emphasises “The Banners that the pupils at Leysland School produced have been a wonderful and creative inspiration to us as we celebrated Holy Week and Easter as a church. They continued to be displayed in the church until Ascension Day (5th May) so as many people as possible could see them.”
Our third photograph is of the special flagpole and Union Jack provided for the Nursery out of funds allocated by the Heritage Lottery Fund to commemorate World War One, marking special dates with the flag seems a very suitable way for these youngsters to mark dates.
OPENING TIMES Mon - Fri 9am - 6pm Sat 8.30am - 5.30pm Sun 9.30am - 3.30pm
Cut Flowers,
Seasonal Bedding Plants & Compost
Fresh Meat & Poultry from local farmers
Turkeys & Cockerels
References available upon request

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