Page 24 - Countesthorpe Herald August 2023
P. 24
kerb at Church Street was due to be installed in the near future.
Blaby District Councillor R Holdridge introduced himself and advised that he would aim to attend as many of the Parish Council meetings as possible.
POLICE MATTERS, INC. MONTHLY REPORT PC Jodie Neal reported that the recent spate of burglaries in Countesthorpe had significantly reduced and that there were no other major issues to note at present.
It was noted that Mr C Dawes, Development Lead for Leicestershire Neighbourhood Watch, was unable to attend the recently scheduled meeting and arrangements would be made to reschedule.
It was reported that correspondence had been received from Blaby District Council outlining the purpose and content of safeguarding leaflets which are due to be distributed in the near future.
The internal audit to 31st March 2023 was received and all was in order. A comment raised regarding the Investment Policy would be investigated by the Finance Working Party.
It was resolved to approve and sign the Annual Governance Statement for 2022/2023.
It was resolved to approve and sign the Accounting Statement for the year ending 31st March 2023.
It was resolved for the Community Engagement Working Party to convene to consider options for a Christmas event for 2023.
REPORT THE ESTATES WORKING PARTY The report of the Estates Working Party meeting held 5th June 2023 was received. It was resolved to approve the following recommendations of the
working party and the report be adopted.
To proceed with the purchase of two 5ft high x 6ft wide woven fence panels to act as a barrier to the staff area of the Cemetery. This recommendation would be referred to the Finance Working Party.
Cemetery B layout, To proceed with the quotation which had been received from CDS for the creation of a revised cemetery plan.
To refer to the Finance Working Party with regards to which financial year would be best to proceed with the quotation, 2023/24 or 2024/25. To confirm with CDS that a designated Children’s area would not be required in the new Cemetery.
Container: To proceed with purchasing a storage container and additional locking bar subject to the insurance provider confirming that they would provide insurance cover. This recommendation would be referred to the Finance Working Party.
To enquire with The Next Chapter Pony Rescue as to whether they would have any use for the existing container.
Playground equipment repairs: To refrain from completing any non-urgent playground repairs until the playground inspection had been completed in July 2023.
To purchase one tonne of topsoil to complete re-enforcements of the surface around benches in the open spaces. This recommendation would be referred to the Finance Working Party.
Play area inspection 2023 To proceed with the standard playground inspection with Fenland OLP. This recommendation would be referred to the Finance Working Party. To make enquiries with Fenland OLP as to the predicted longevity of items of play equipment on Dale Acre to aid with long term planning.
Central Street car park – to receive a request for a parking permit from a Central Street resident. To contact the owner of the Central Street property to
arrange further discussion.
To purchase a replacement Elm Tree at a cost of no more than £100. This recommendation would be referred to the Finance Working Party. To include an article in The Herald explaining that a replacement tree would be planted and explaining the reasoning behind the planting.
To remove the planters from Penfold Drive
and Linden Farm Drive to replace the concrete planters either side of the bus stop on Station Road. To resurface the dog compound at Dale Acre with amber gold gravel to encourage use and aid maintenance.
To add additional signage on Dale Acre at footpath entrances to remind visitors that dogs should be kept on leads.
To contact Blaby District Council to request that they review the tree preservation orders which had been put on trees along the hedgerow at The Woodlands.
Tree survey quote To proceed with Beddows
for the 3 year tree inspection which will also incorporate the 18 month high risk tree inspection. This recommendation would be referred to the Finance Working Party.
To discuss Willoughby Road playing field To write to Blaby & Whetstone Football Club to advise that the Parish Council is not in a position to remove the existing changing facility at present.
Notice boards: To include an article in The Herald asking residents for their views as to the use, purpose and locations of the noticeboards.
Skye Way: To write to the owner of number 5 Skye Way to request they remove their property from the unowned land.
To respond to Countesthorpe Cricket Club to advise that, unfortunately, the Parish Council would be unable to assist with the waste collection.
REPORT FROM THE LIBRARY COMMITTEE The report of the Library Committee meeting held 25th May 2023 was received.
The report of the Village Hall Management Committee meeting held 1st June 2023 was received.
The reports of the Planning Committee meetings held 15th May 2023, 25th May 2023 an 8th June 2023 were received.
The Youth Workers report on activities which had taken place during May 2023 was received.
Cllr A Clifford advised that the Youth Workers
Countesthorpe Village Hall
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