Page 21 - Herald December 2023
P. 21
Countesthorpe Herald
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longer valid in such a post-Christian environment he explained that, in such an environment, Christians will be increasingly marginalised and persecuted. In such an environment it’s much easier to conform to what Babylon requires. But to be truly Christian one must, dare to be a Daniel and continue to be living a distinctive Christian life, in the midst of a Babylonian culture.
After all Jesus said we are to be salt and light in the world.
In the end all Babylons throughout the centuries have fallen and even the last one as seen in the Book of Revelation will fall. Only God’s Kingdom and its citizens in the new Creation will remain.
If you wish to hear the message for yourself then why not visit Countesthorpe Baptist Church on our YouTube Channel. Or if you would like to know more then why not join our Christianity Explored course. Also you are welcome to come to our Sunday services - 10:30am and 6pm. Pastor Aubrey Vaughan
At Countesthorpe Baptist Church we put a great emphasis upon teaching the truth of the Bible. It is vital for true Christian living. We believe the Bible is God’s breathed out Word and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God[ may be complete, equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 .
And so, the Bible is front and centre of everything we are and do at CBC and is regularly expounded and applied at our weekly services on the LORDS day morning and evening and at our mid- week home groups in order for us to be equipped for every good work and to live out our faith in the world.
But also, from time to time we have special meetings where we invite others
from around the UK to join us. One such meeting was held on the 2nd of November where we had Martyn Iles, who is an Australian lawyer, commentator, and a gifted Christian apologist.
Martyn has recently started a new role with Answers in Genesis as chief ministry officer. He was over in the UK attending a conference in London and undertaking several speaking engagements around the UK and we were privileged to have him come and speak at Countesthorpe Baptist Church.
His message was entitled ‘Living in Babylon’.
In it he addressed the main characteristic of those living in Babylon (The present world order). It is the pride of life, which is found in the heart of men and women, which seeks the dethronement of God and the enthronement of the self, as a god. Ever since the Fall this has been the case ... the devil’s words to Eve, “you will be like God”. Babylon is built on this foundation: that humans can be whoever they want to be. For instance we can construct new identities, we can alter marriage, the family, we can give life and take life as we think is fit. It’s in our powers to save ourselves and the planet. And so once God-given norms are no
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17th Dec CAROL SERVICE 6.00pm 24h Dec 10.30am Morning Service
and 6.00pm Christmas Eve CAROL SERVICE