Page 9 - Herald December 2024
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 Countesthorpe Parish Council Page
Countesthorpe Parish Council Office, Village Hall Station Road Countesthorpe Leicestershire LE8 5TB
Tel: 2779518 Emaili:l:mcalenrakg@ecr@oucnotuensttehsothrpoerpeapriasrhischocuonucnilc.cilo.c.ou.kuk Website:
equipment, multi-use games area, table
The following open spaces are owned and maintained by Blaby District Council: Contact 275055 to report an issue
• Open space on Rosebank Road opposite Shetland Way
• Marston Crescent open space • The Country Park
• Open Space on Reed Pool Close leading through to Regent Road
----------- Leicestershire County Council is
responsible for the following:- Please contact 305002 or 2323232 to report an issue
• Weedkilling on the highways
• Cutting of grass verges
• Tree maintenance on the highway and grass verges
• The Bank at junction with Scotland Way • Area of green space at Cosby Road/ Winchester Road crossroads
Open Day
Cemetery Chapel Renovation
tennis and trim trail. Two junior football pitches are leased to a local football club.
The Parish Council is to hold its first
The Parish Council are in the
process of buying the land adjacent
to the cemetery on Foston Road for future cemetery provision.
Restoration of the Chapel is also
being considered and it is hoped
that it can be opened to the public
for quiet contemplation.
Visitors to the cemetery will have noticed the works taking place.
A new cremation area has been a•ddCeednattenthaeryenPdaodfdtohcekc,eSmtaetieoryn Road.
Open Day on 31st May at 4 pm – 8 pm
 at the Village Hall.
A heads up with regards to Festive Fronts.
Come along and talk to your Councillors.
It will be back again this Christmas, so
There will be various displays on show.
keep a look out in the next edition of The
See what your Council is doing for you.
Herald and our Facebook page for entry
Tea and coffee will be available.
information. Again, homes, businesses
and shops will be invited to decorate the
fHronatnogfitnhgeirBparsokpertyC, wohmetphertigtaiordnen or
wWinoduoldwysoaunldiktehteorenwteirllthbe Hparinzgeisngfor the
wBiansnkientg/Ceonntrtaieinsefrocmomepaecthitcioante?gory. There
was strong competition last Christmas but
The more unusual the better!
we welcome entries from either new or
For more information and an application
Following the Parish Council taking
those who took part last year and are up
to provide many additional plots.
form please contact the Parish Office.
Aovpearththeasowalnsoerbsheeipn oinfstthaellePdadodnock, in
for the challenge again
2018 the Parish Council dedicated the
Play Equipment on Dale Acre
the right hand side of the cemetery.
This area is being landscaped to
The Parish Council are investigating
commemorate the centenary anniversary
provide additional burial land.
playground designs for Dale Acre
of the end of World War I. The Centenary Paddock is now protected as an open
Recreation Ground.
We often get calls from residents reporting
space for generations to come.
The designs will be displayed at the Parish
Linden Farm Drive Bridge closure
incidents with open spaces etc. Whilst
• The Square (adjacent to Countesthorpe • Public Rights of Way and footpaths,
Council’s Open Day on 31st May.
jitties etc including Stroma Way, Orkney
this is greatly appreciated, we thought
Leicestershire County Council has
The Parish Council are also investigating
Health Centre). Includes seating and a
Way, Shetland Way, The Plantation and
it would be helpful to give you a list
closed the bridge at Linden Farm Drive
providing a trim track around Willoughby
heritage display board and planters
Poplar Avenue (PROW only)
of the ownership of the open spaces in
Road Playing Fields.
due to health and safety issues. This has
Countesthorpe. Unfortunately, there are
• An area of The Spinney, Leicester Useful website for Leicestershire County been highlighted in a structural engineer’s
areas of open space within Countesthorpe
Road and carry out grass cutting and Council to report grass cutting or issues
Countesthorpe Country Park
that have unidentified ownership or are
hedgecutting for the County Council who on the highways
Meetings have been held with representatives
own land on The Spinney
• Spoilbank, The Woodlands
Fencing was put in place to
privately owned. In these instances,
from Blaby District Council and Leicestershire
protect members of the public; however
please contact the Parish Council office
CanodunwtyeCwoiullnsceile. if we can help.
as this was vandalised on several occasions,
Paddock to the Fields in Trust project to
 The Country Park is due to be transferred to
palisade fencing has now been erected.
Countesthorpe Parish Council owns and
travel/road-maintenance/report-a-road- problem
Blaby District Council by the developers and
is responsible for the following parks iatnwdasohpoepnedsptahcaet sthwe PitahrinshCountceisltwhoruplde. lPelaesaestehecolanntadc,thothweevPearitshherCeoaurenicmilpofrfitacnets lwanitdhscraepgianrgdatondandyraoinfatghesiessaureesatso:bCeornetsaoclvt ed b2e7f7or9e5t1h8is ctoanrbeepocornt saidneriesds.ue or email: manager@countesthorpeparishcouncil.
• Dale Acre Park and Play Area, including play equipment for toddlers and teenagers and outdoor gym equipment
• Leysland Open Space and Play Area, Sunbury Rise (extending to Broadfield Way). Including play equipment for toddlers and young teens and open space. • Willoughby Road Playing Fields, Willoughby Road. Includes outdoor gym
Parish Council office opening time-s--:-------- Other Key Areas:-
Monday to Thursday 8.00 am to 4.00pm
Friday 8.00 am to 1.00pm
• Countesthorpe Cemetery, Foston Road. Please visit the Cemetery Page on our website for further details.
• Though owned by the church, the Parish Council is responsible for the maintenance of St Andrew’s Church closed churchyard, Main Street
• A green area off Larchwood
• Though owned by Leicestershire County Council, the Parish Council has obtained permission to install a memorial bench and planter at The Pound
• Car Park, Central Street.
• Though not owned by the Parish Council, with agreement with the County Council the Parish Council maintains
the corner of Station Road with Gwendoline Drive
• The landscaping etc at the Village Hall
• Albert Road play area – Persimmon Homes (East Midlands) Contact 2815600 • Areas of open space and verges etc are maintained by Betts Estates on behalf of Redrow Estate Contact 01886 888445 or email
More information on village open spaces can be found on the Parish Council website using this QR code.
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