Page 18 - February 2016 Issue 301
P. 18

Working Party recommended Terms of Reference for the Finance and Human Resources Working Party: these were approved. The working party replaces the Finance Working Party: it was resolved that membership will be the same as
for the Finance Working Party with the addition of Cllr M Baum and D Ball. It was resolved
that the Strategy Planning and Policy Working Party, which replaces the Policy and Human Resources Working Party, will have a membership of the chairman from all working parties and committees: Terms of Reference will be discussed at their first meeting.
Advice has been received from LCC, the War Memorial Trust and the Commonwealth War Grave Commission. Another letter has been received from the member of public, who is not a resident, regarding Sgt Elliott meeting the criteria. This was discussed and it was resolved, by a majority vote, that the evidence received does
not reach the criteria, however his name will be included on the Roll of Honour in the Chapel.
Report and to approve the recommendations from the Estates working party
Cemetery lay-out design – the semi-circle
around the copse has been laid out and hedging ordered. Three suggestions for the plot layout were discussed and the option for fifty six plots was recommended. Three quotations have been received detailing the cost to design a layout
for the adjacent field. These will be looked at
in more detail to determine which quotation to recommend.
Tree removal – it has been advised that reducing the trees significantly will kill them, it was therefore recommended to cut them down
to ground level and replace with a post and
rail fence, hedging and ornamental trees. It
was recommended to accept MSP Tree Care
& Landscapes, who submitted the preferred quotation of £1500 to reduce the height of the trees, but ask them to remove the trees instead. It was further recommended to purchase the post and rail fencing in next year’s budget.
Markers – there is insufficient budgetary provision for the additional markers and it was therefore recommended to budget for these in the next financial year.
Charges for non-resident interments – the charges to inter the body of a still born child and children up to the age of 10 is significantly more expensive
Chairman: M Gillespie
Councillors: D Ball, M Baum, A Clifford,
J A Collis-Smith, D Findlay, P Holdridge,
D Jennings, J Jennings, K Mason, M Smith
Parish Council Manager: Mrs A Bates
Assistant Parish Council Manager: Mrs C Samuels
There was eleven members of public present, including the speaker Mr Alflat.
There were three people present who wished to
be considered for co-option. It was resolved to conduct a secret ballot: Mrs E Garratt was elected, by a majority vote.
Mr Alflat, Director of Place for BDC, confirmed that BDC has agreed to take over the running
of the Country Park. He informed the meeting that works, agreed at the site meeting, had been completed by Persimmon Homes. This was disputed by Parish Council representatives who attended the site meeting as the works agreed have not been completed and those that have, have not been carried out satisfactorily. Mr Alflat apologised and stated that he will ensure all works are carried out before BDC take on liability for the park. He advised that there are sufficient
funds under the S106 agreement to carry out
basic maintenance and for capital funding. The Parish Council would be consulted on any capital projects. BDC would like to set up a working group to form a vision for the future of the park: he would like representatives from both BDC and the Parish Council to sit on the group. Concerns were raised regarding the balancing ponds: Mr Alflat responded that a BDC Health and Safety
Officer has attended the site and confirmed that life belts are not required due to the shallowness of the water. Mr Alflat has met a representative from Redrow Homes regarding a footpath across the public open space: Redrow Homes has agreed to lay a bonded footpath which will be maintained, in perpetuity, by the management company.
A councillor asked whether the screen, which had been requested in March to view electronic planning applications, is still being considered. Mr Alflat confirmed that BDC has a budget to provide Parish Councils with equipment to assist them to access Planning Department’s virtual system and would look into the matter. An email from the Group Manager of BDC Planning
& Economic Development, which is listed
under correspondence, was read to the meeting regarding setting up a working group to plan for the future of the Country Park. She would like
to set up an inception meeting for the group. It was resolved that Cllrs M Gillespie, A Clifford and J A Collis-Smith are representatives on the working group, together with Cllr D Jennings as District Councillor. A member of public asked whether there would be a footpath link between the Redrow Homes development and the Country Park: Mr Alflat advised that there would not be
a link. Another member of public asked whether 1/3rd of the park could be woodland: he was advised that the woodland area is separate from the Country Park.
A member of the public spoke regarding parking on footpaths, double yellow lines and across drop kerbs and raised his concerns that Gwendoline Drive is a rat run with speeding cars, also that two vans have been parked on the grass area at Penfold Drive for two days: he asked for a traffic warden to be appointed to the area. He was advised that the police have been dealing with speeding issues, which the Parish Council has no jurisdiction
over. Dst Cllr D Findlay will request a traffic warden to visit the area and is pursuing a 20 mph limit around The Bank. He also advised that
Tesco Store has requested a zebra crossing to be installed, which they will fund. Dst Cllr A Clifford has spoken to the local beat officers regarding parking.
Cllr E Garratt was elected to the Estates Working Party and Events Working Party. The Finance
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