Page 19 - February 2016 Issue 301
P. 19
for non-residents than residents, which is in line with other charges, however it was recommended that interment charges for a still born child and children up to the age of 10 should be the same whether resident or non-resident. It was further recommended that this charge be altered to £25. The charge to purchase a burial or cremation plot for non-resident will not alter.
Rules regarding memorial stones – several enquiries have been received regarding memorial stones which have tilted. Headstones are the responsibility of the owner of the plot and it was recommended to include this in the Cemetery Rules and Regulations.
Church clock - The clock was changed to automatic in 2013 and has been repaired twice, however it is losing time due to irregular reduction in power. The suppliers were contacted and an explanation received confirming that the clock will automatically adjust to the correct time. It was recommended to keep under review. The reset switch is high in the bell tower and difficult to reach it was therefore recommended to obtain costings to bring the switch down to the ringing chamber.
Grass maintenance - A representative from a company supplying mowing machinery has
met with members of the working party and groundsmen. The working party will continue with their investigations.
Map noticeboard - A quotation has been received to replace the map in the noticeboards outside
St Andrews Church and the Village Hall. The quotation for £10,150 per noticeboard includes replacing the noticeboards, which is not required. Due to the difficulties experienced in trying to replace the maps, it was recommended to alter
the existing noticeboards and insert a copy of the map, which is on the other noticeboards.
Willoughby Road Playing Field Trim trail – It was recommended to obtain a revised quotation for specific items of trim trail equipment and to apply for S106 funding. It was resolved for the Strategy Planning and Policy Working Party to look at options for the playing fields.
Football club – the changing facilities are in such a bad state of repair they need removing from
site; it was also noted that the football club rent remains outstanding. It was recommended to write to the club giving them notice to quit at the end
of the 2015/16 season, if the annual rent is not received by the end of January. If the procedure to remove the changing facilities is not clear from the lease documentation it was recommended to check with the solicitors.
S106 projects - It was recommended to apply for S106 funding to purchase two play trains: one
for Dale Acre play area and one for Leysland Park play area. A list of future projects has
been submitted to BDC as requested: it was recommended to obtain costings for each project and forward to BDC.
Correspondence - A non-resident has requested interment of his late mother’s ashes in the cemetery at resident’s charges. His mother was not a resident of Countesthorpe at the time of her death, although she had lived in Countesthorpe for the majority of her life before moving to Blaby. This matter was discussed and it was recommended to adhere to the rulings for non- resident interments and charge the appropriate fee. Maintenance issues - It was recommended the groundsman undertake work on the area outside the Health Centre to remove the self-setting
trees, seed the ground and train the hedge. The groundsmen have requested compost bins to be placed in the corner of the Village Hall car park.
e. Matters arising for information purpose - There were no matters arising.
It was resolved to approve the recommendations of the working party, except in respect of Willoughby Road playing field. It was resolved
to agree the recommendation regarding the compost bin, pending approval of the Village Hall Management Committee.
The car park has been re-surfaced
Four lockable bollards have been installed for staff parking, which have been effective.
Disabled signs have been erected in the car park. The rectangular tables have been replaced. The old tables are being offered to charities.
The child’s toilet has now been replaced with an adult toilet and the tank fed system in the ladies toilets has been altered to mains fed.
Correspondence: Dixon Coles & Goddard – Cllr D Jennings declared a disclosable non-pecuniary interest as he may be involved in future LCC decisions in respect of the library. The solicitor’s letter was read to the meeting, which included concerns regarding legal costs. LCC has advised that there is funding to help with legal costs. It was resolved to obtain details of the charges.
Christmas Spectacular - The food bank is the nominated charity: they will provide volunteers to help with the collection and information
about their charity. The posters, banners and
draft programme were discussed by the working party and recommended. The following were
also recommended: To purchase new Christmas lights for the band’s marquee. To ask a pupil from Greenfield’s School to switch on the Christmas lights.
To buy the refreshments on a ‘sale or return’ basis.
Display boards - It was recommended to purchase extra display boards either from this year’s budget or to include in the 2016/2017 budget.
It was resolved to approve the recommendations of the working party. J L King Medical have agreed to provide first aid cover free of charge, which was approved. Volunteers were requested for the night.
REPORT FINANCE WORKING PARTY Update/review budget 2015/16 – It was noted
that there is an over spend under the budgetary headings: General Maintenance, Maintenance Materials, and Repair and Maintenance of Equipment: it was therefore recommended to virement £3,000 from Additional Funding for future projects. It was also recommended to amend the separate headings to one heading ‘Repair and Maintenance’ for 2016/17. It
was recommended to virement £1,000 for the greenhouse from Additional Funding for future projects. Hiring a grass cutting machine was discussed and it was recommended, in principle, to continue exploration and obtain further costing.
Budget 2016/17 – the existing budget expenditure and estimated expenditure to March 2016
was discussed and items highlighted. It was recommended to add a Library heading, with sub- headings.
Grant Aid: Two requests for grant aid were discussed:
Fun & Friendship Group, who hold monthly meetings at the hall, have requested £150 towards food and a small gift for each guest for their Christmas party. It was resolved to grant aid of £150.
Countesthorpe Foodbank Distribution Centre has requested funding of £2,291.20. Cllr P Holdridge declared a disclosable non-pecuniary interest as he is a member of Countesthorpe Methodist Church. It was recommended to grant aid of £1,000.
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Open on Bank Holidays 5.30pm - 11.00pm