Page 20 - Countesthorpe Herald August 2023
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all our minds, and do we really love our neighbour as ourselves?
And, if we are honest with ourselves, we know that we do not, but the good news is that the law and commandments were given as “a tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith” Galatians 3:24.
Only as a person realizes their own sinfulness and hopelessness as they stand before God’s law, will they turn to Christ alone as the only hope of salvation.
And in so doing one is justified by faith alone, not by law-keeping, and empowered by God to begin to truly love God and our neighbour as we ought.
Pastor Aubrey Vaughan Baptist Church
Autumn 2023 is another opportunity for you to explore the Christian faith via our 7-week Christianity Explored course, where we are taken through Mark’s gospel, This is the first of the four gospels in the New Testament and is the closest source text to the historical life and times of Jesus of Nazareth 33 AD, written in the mid to late 50’s AD, by Mark, who was an amanuensis to the Apostle Peter.
The course includes multimedia, going through a study booklet and reading Mark’s gospel together.
The course and material are all free. All that we ask is you come along with a mind and heart prepared to be informed and challenged.
You won’t be asked to pray, to read aloud, to give money, to sing or to join the church. You can ask any questions you like. Or, if you prefer, you can just come along and listen to the talks.
We have provisionally set a commencement date of Oct 17th on a Tuesday evening 7:30pm.
If you want to find out more or book your place, then simply get in touch and register via our email:
Be a Good Neighbour
Over the Spring/Summer period I’ve been visiting homes in Countesthorpe. As a Christian leader in the village I seek to visit the neighbourhood every year in my pastoral capacity, even though you may not visit the churches.
Jesus actually sent his disciples out to serve and share the gospel with others. He also said, “we are to love our neighbour”: Hence, I’m out in the
neighbourhood. You might have already met me or received a leaflet about the Baptist Church.
In an age when many of us close our doors to one another, Jesus calls us to open them, be a good neighbour.
Of course, many people don’t want salesmen and even the religious type at their door. I always seek to honour that when I see such a sign.
But can I assure you I’m not a religious salesman, I don’t peddle snake oil but simply share God’s Word in sincerity and truth.
Many receive me warmly and we often spend time, listening, caring, helping, praying and of course sharing the good news to my neighbours, like You.
So, if you do see me in the coming months knock at your door, why not open it and be a good neighbour too.
Pastor Aubrey Vaughan
Open Air Service on Sunday August 13th, 11am Gospel in the Garden with family BBQ. Great fellowship, food and Good News. Everyone welcome!
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