Page 23 - Herald October 2023
P. 23
The Meeting of Countesthorpe Parish Council was held on Thursday 13th July 2023 when there were present:
Councillors: M Gillespie, V Armstrong, S Burditt, C Ibbotson, P Mount, K Pearce, W Read,
P Servadei, M Smith, J Thacker and S Turner. Parish Council Manager: Miss J Leech
Assistant Parish Council Manager: Miss E Frost Also in attendance were Leicestershire County Councillor, L Phillimore, and one member of the public.
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE, IF ANY Apologies were received from Cllrs A Clifford, S Kinvig, K McGovern and S Palmer.
It was noted that the Community Engagement Working Party had reviewed their terms of reference with no changes proposed.
It was resolved that Cllr C Ibbotson be appointed to the Planning Committee.
The monthly beat newsletter was received.
It was noted that a closure order had been obtained for an address in Wheatlands Drive under Section 80 of the Antisocial Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act.
It was noted that the Police and Crime Commissioner’s ‘Crime and Policing Survey’ had been received and distributed to Councillors for completion, should they wish to do so.
The Youth Workers report on activities which had taken place during June 2023 was received.
It was resolved that further enquiries would
be made with the Youth Workers regarding the issue of underage vaping. A recent press release had been received from Blaby District Council advising that, due to the rise in cases of underage vaping, this would now be investigated at Government level.
It was resolved to invite the Youth Workers to a future meeting of the Parish Council.
Blaby District Council – Safeguarding Policy
It was noted that a template Safeguarding policy had been received from Blaby District Council and that this would be considered at the next meeting of the Strategy Committee.
SLCC – D-Day Commemoration Event
An information guide regarding the 80th anniversary of D-Day had been received by SLCC, this would be circulated to Councillors.
Leicestershire Police – Commissioners
Safety Fund Launched. Correspondence from Leicestershire Police, advising that applications had opened for the Leicester, Leicestershire
and Rutland PCC’s first Commissioner’s Community Safety Fund round of 2023-2024, had been received. This would be circulated to all Councillors for consideration.
The report of the Estates Working Party meeting held 10th July 2023 was received. It was resolved to approve the following recommendations of the working party and the report be adopted.
To discuss the Cemetery, including To proceed with placing orders for three replacement memorial trees at an approximate cost of £70 each.
To increase all Cemetery charges by 5%, ensuring that figures are rounded up or down, as appropriate, and to review the charges annually.
To proceed with replacing the bollards located along the entry driveway of Cemetery B with decorative rocks donated from a local resident.
Wildlife area at bottom of Cemetery A Approved
To continue with works on the wildlife area of Cemetery A without purchasing a wildlife camera.
Cemetery B layout Approved
To contact Glymptons regarding the scheduled works to install water points in Cemetery A and B to confirm that this would be done no later than w/c 31st July as previously advised.
To place the order, in advance, with CDS to be completed once the water installation works had been carried out to avoid any potential increase in the quotation.
To respond to a resident’s enquiry to advise that the Chapel would, unfortunately, remain closed for 2023 due to ongoing works.
Inclusive play equipment It was noted that a meeting had taken place with a resident regarding the lack of inclusive play equipment and a report of the meeting was received.
Leysland Play Area To obtain advice as to whether there were any remedial works which could reduce noise from the slide located along the outskirts of Leysland play area.
To obtain a quotation for the removal of the slide located along the outskirts of Leysland play area, should there be no suitable options for reducing sound or for screening the slide.
To look at forming a flag policy and to respond to a resident’s enquiry regarding flying a pride flag to advise that we would be looking into the development of a policy which would inform a
To plant one of the three horse chestnuts which are ready to be planted within open spaces in Countesthorpe on The Paddock, replacing The Oak Tree which was removed previously.
Details of a quotation received with regards to guttering repairs was noted. This would be referred to the Finance Working Party for consideration
To remove the three concrete planters which are located at The Bank.
To proceed with the purchase of a waste bin to be located at the bottom of Willoughby Road Playing Field at a cost of £359 + £89 delivery.
To reposition the two dog waste bins situated within the car park at Willoughby Road Playing Field to adjacent to the pedestrian entrances/exits from the car park onto the field itself.
To write to the residents of number 5 and 7 Skye Way to advise them of the maintenance works proposed to be undertaken by Countesthorpe Parish Council which would include the removal of trees, hedges and shrubbery as well as ongoing basic maintenance.
To proceed with obtaining a quote for the removal of the large fruit tree located at the front of the land between 5 and 7 Skye Way following advice from Beddows Tree Specialists and the complaint received from a resident regarding the vermin which were present as a result.
To not pursue with enquiries regarding being the registered owners of the land however to include the land on the maintenance schedule for the Groundstaff.
To respond to correspondence received from
a resident regarding trees perceived to be overhanging from the rear of the Village Hall to advise that, as the trees are overhanging onto their property, they are within their rights to arrange to have them cut back.
To create an information document regarding the rights of residents with regards to trees which can be distributed for information and to aid responses to future enquiries.
The report of the Community Engagement Working Party meeting held 22nd June 2023 was received. It was resolved to approve the following recommendations of the working party and the report be adopted.
Coronation Event Debrief It was noted that the Picnic in the Paddock event which had been held to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III
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